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Showing posts from December 12, 2016

GRE words list

abacus frame with balls for calculating  abate to lessen to subside  abdication giving up control authority  aberration straying away from what is normal  abet help/encourage smb (in doing wrong)  abeyance suspended action  abhor to hate to detest  abide be faithful to endure  abjure promise or swear to give up  abraded rubbed off worn away by friction  abrogate repeal or annul by authority  abscond to go away suddenly (to avoid arrest)  abstruse difficult to comprehend obscure  abut border on  abysmal bottomless extreme  acarpous effete no longer fertile worn out  acclaimed welcomed with shouts and approval  accolade praise approval  accretion the growing of separate things into one  accrue accumulate adamant kind of stone inflexible  admonitory containing warning  adorn add beauty decorate  adulteration m...